
Host a Purposeful Journey to the Holy Land

Prepare to Host Your Journey to Israel

We are committed to helping as many fellow travelers visit Israel as we possibly can as we endeavor to empower pastors and congregations grow numerically and spiritually. In this way, we stand with Israel, not only with our words, but in our deeds. As you ponder, plan, or prepare to host a faith travel experience in Israel, we offer several resources in the interest of supporting your effort to create an effective faith travel experience for those you are entrusted to serve. We warmly invite you into conversation around the many benefits of hosting a journey to the Holy Land. We hope you will stand with us as we stand with Israel in word and deed. Blessings as you consider a journey to Israel.

In addition to our Prepatory Journey to Israel or FAM Tour, we also offer a Faith Travel Workshop which you and your family may attend at virtually no cost. Click on the button below for a short video.


We warmly invite you into conversation as you ponder hosting a journey to Israel. When a friend invites you to share a cup of coffee, we believe that friend extends and invitation to conversation.


When you are ready to plan the details of your faith travel experience in Israel, we have a resource that can help you. Click the link below to receive our Faith Travel Planning Guide with our compliments.


The power of your faith travel experience in the Holy Land can be greatly enhanced by your preparation and the preparation of your fellow travelers. To help you prepare, we have organized a workshop in Branson, MO

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