
Journey of Faith

July 2, 2025 - July 12, 2025
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Journey Overview

Join us as a fellow traveler on Journey of Faith, our purposeful journey richly highlighted by encounters with sights central to the life, ministry, miracles, death, and resurrection of Jesus.

Journey of Faith will offer you a truly unique opportunity to explore a fascinating spectrum of historical sights, theological contexts, and biblical background in the Holy Land. Your journey is sure to deepen your faith and enrich your life as we consider our perspective in light of a distant past that continues to form and shape who we are as Christians today. We will balance our deeply spiritual, sometimes heady religious encounters with spectacular accommodations, excellent food as a window to middle eastern culture past and present, wine tasting, shopping experiences, culture, and history.

Your Hosts for Our Journey

Our host for our Journey of Faith purposeful journey to the Holy Land is Rev. Michael Stainbrook. Pastor Stainbrook serves as Associate Pastor of St. Luke Lutheran Church in Haslett and Lansing, Mich. He holds a Master of Divinity degree from Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, and a Bachelor of Science in Journalism from Ohio University (the Bobcats, not the Buckeyes).

Pastor Stainbrook first traveled to Israel in 2022, when he began to appreciate the many places where God has worked and continues to be at work in His creation. Pastor Stainbrook finds the “theology of place” to be an especially powerful lens to understand the promise of forgiveness, life, and salvation found in Jesus Christ. He looks forward to returning to Israel as a pastor, teacher, and fellow explorer.

Pastor Stainbrook was born and raised in Toledo, Ohio, where he was brought up in the family of faith at Trinity Lutheran Church. He has been married to Sarah since 2013. They live in Okemos, Mich., with their dog. Sarah works as a molecular biologist at Michigan State University and enjoys baking, gardening, and foraging.

In addition to his work among the people of God at St. Luke Lutheran Church, Pastor Stainbrook is an avid disc golfer. If he’s not in his office or playing disc golf, he’s probably watching the Detroit Tigers or Red Wings. He is also a Michigan Wolverines fan living in exile in Spartan country. Pastor Stainbrook has resolved to “seek the welfare of the city” (Jeremiah 29:7). He greatly enjoys his ministry of preaching, teaching, counseling, and shepherding a diverse two-campus church.

Those who join Pastor Michael on his Journey of Faith journey are sure to be blessed!


Day 1 – Wheels up!
Wednesday, July 2, 2025

We depart on our group flight from the United States  to Ben Gurion Airport, Tel Aviv, Israel.

Day 2 – Welcome to Galilee
Thursday, July 3, 2025

After our arrival in Israel, we will welcome those joining us from Egypt who traveled on the pre-journey extension. travel north to the ancient Roman city of Caesarea where we will visit the ruins, including the Roman theater and impressive archaeological park. We will then proceed to nearby Mount Carmel where Elijah the Prophet won a competition with the prophets of Baal and enjoy a beautiful, rooftop panoramic view. If time allows, we will visit Tel Megiddo, site of the ancient city of Megiddo and the Valley of Armageddon, before making our way to our stunningly beautiful hotel—Hotel Magdala—in the Galilee region. D

Day 3 – From Nazareth to Cana
Friday, July 4, 2025

After a wonderful breakfast, we will visit Magdala´s first century synagogue before continuing to Nazareth where we will visit the Basilica of the Annunciation. We will experience Nazareth Village, built on ancient agricultural land, where life in Galilee in the time of Jesus is reenacted featuring houses, terraced fields, wine, and olive presses. Our day will conclude in Cana where Jesus performed his first miracle; turning water into wine at a wedding. B, D

Day 4 – Fishes, Loaves, and Sea Life
Saturday, July 5, 2025

After breakfast, we will drive along the shores of the Sea of Galilee to the Yigal Allon museum, where we will see the ancient fishing boat from the 1st century AD (also known as the “Jesus Boat”). After sailing across the Sea of Galilee on a modern wooden boat, we continue to Capernaum, where Jesus lived and started his ministry. In Capernaum, we will see the remnants of Peter’s mother-in-law’s house and the old synagogue where Jesus preached. We will enjoy a special St. Peter fish lunch before continuing to Tabgha, where the miracle of Multiplication of the Fish and Loaves took place. We will visit the Church of Primacy of St. Peter before proceeding to the Mount of Beatitudes (location of the Sermon on the Mount), and time permitting, visit Kursi National Park (Gadara), an archaeological site where according to tradition, Jesus performed the “Miracle of the Swine.” Our day ends at Yardenit, a popular baptismal location in the Jordan River. B,D

Day 5 – Perspectives Ancient and Modern
Sunday, July 6, 2025

Our daily excursion begins with a visit of Korazim where we will see the ruins of a first century town condemned by Jesus. We will also visit the impressive fourth century synagogue before traveling north to the beautiful Tel Dan nature reserve that includes an archaeological site from biblical times. We continue to the nearby Banias (Caesarea Philippi). Here we will see the capital of Galilee in Jesus’ time, the remains of pagan temples, and one of the sources of the Jordan river where Jesus met the apostles. We will then venture to the Golan Heights to see the strategic borders overlooking the Valley of the Tears and learn about Israel’s unique security situation. We will stop at a local winery for a tour and wine tasting before returning to our hotel. B, D

Day 6 - From the Jordan Valley to Jerusalem
Monday, July 7, 2025

Today, we transition to Jerusalem. After breakfast, we travel south to visit Gideon’s Spring before continuing to Beit Shean, the largest excavated Roman city in the Middle East with fabulous ruins dating to the Roman empire. As we wander among the extensive ruins, including a well-preserved grand amphitheater, our imaginations will be transported to the time of Jesus among the Romans. We continue south to Jericho where we will travel by cable car to enjoy magnificent views on our way to visit the monastery at Mount of Temptations. We continue to Jerusalem where will be welcomed at the beautiful Dan Panorama Hotel in Jerusalem. B, D

Day 7 - Historical Perspective and a Miraculous Birth
Tuesday, July 8, 2025

Today, we will venture beyond the city walls of Jerusalem. We begin with a tour of the Jewish Quarter where we will walk through the picturesque streets including the Cardo, built during the Byzantine era. We will make our way to the last remaining vestige of the once monumental Second Temple—the Western Wall—where we will soak in the inspirational atmosphere steeped in rich Jewish history. We will navigate the fascinating subterranean Western Wall Tunnels, as a continuation of the open-air Western Wall that reaches segments which are hidden from view. The underground passages present exquisite archeological findings. We can touch the original and special stones that tell the story of the Jewish nation. In the afternoon, we visit the birthplace of Jesus—Bethlehem. We will have the opportunity to visit the fields where the angels announced the birth of the Christ Child to the shepherds. We will visit the Church of the Nativity which stands upon the site where Jesus was born, Mary’s Grotto and St. Jerome’s Cave before we return to central Jerusalem. B, D

Day 8 – The Garden and Upper Room
Wednesday, July 9, 2025

After breakfast, we will visit the Mt. of Olives where we can enjoy the magnificent view of the Old City of Jerusalem from the same vantage point as Jesus. We will have the opportunity to learn of Jerusalem’s rich history including many important structures in the city. We will then visit the Garden of Gethsemane, at the foot of the Mt. of Olives, before we continue to Mt. Zion, where you will visit King David’s Tomb, the Upper Room (site of the Last Supper), and church of Saint Peter in Gallicantu. We will enter the Old City through the Lions Gate where we can visit St. Anne’s Church and Pool of Bethesda. We will retrace the steps of Jesus through the Via Dolorosa to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Our walk through the colorful and authentic Arab Markets scattered around the Old City will present an opportunity to practice our negotiating skills by bargaining with the local peddlers. B, D

Day 9 – The Dead Sea
Thursday, July 10, 2025

We depart Jerusalem after breakfast to journey south through the remarkable scenery of the Dead Sea. We pass by Qumran, where the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered. On our way to Massada we will pass by En Gedi, where David hid from Saul. We will visit the Masada fortress, a UNESCO heritage site and a symbol of the ancient kingdom of Israel, which is situated on an isolated cliff in the Judean Desert, a site of a unique heroic story of Jewish Zealots who chose death over surrendering to the Romans. We will ascend by cable car to visit the excavations of King Herod’s palace, the synagogue, bathhouse and much more. We will enjoy the breathtaking views of the Roman camps and the Dead Sea before we descend to make our way to one of the beaches of the Dead Sea to “float” in its heavy, mineral-rich water and cover in the Dead Sea mud to absorb its therapeutic qualities. B, D

Day 10 – Our Humanity and Hope
Friday, July 11, 2025

Our excursion today begins with an emotional visit to, the holocaust memorial– Yad VaShem Museum—located on the slopes of Har HaZikaron (Mount of Remembrance). We will have the opportunity to contemplate what it means for us to live as Christians today as we encounter the story of the holocaust as experienced by Jewish victims and survivors as told through original artifacts, testimonies, and personal possessions. We will explore  the Israel Museum that has an amazing collection of objects and artifacts including a detailed model of Jerusalem from the time of the Second Temple and the Shrine of the Book which holds the ancient Jewish manuscripts, the Dead Sea Scrolls. We return to the Old City of Jerusalem where we will visit the City of David which is the main site where archaeological finds from the First Temple period are found. We continue to a wet or dry (depending on your preference) walk through Hezekiah’s Tunnel which is the ancient water system of Jerusalem believed to be from the 8th century BC. We continue to the Davidson Center, an archaeological park where you can see significant findings from the First and Second Temple periods, such as an ancient city street, the steps leading to the Temple, and the First century city walls. We end the day with an emotional visit to the Garden Tomb, walk in the beautiful garden and see the ancient empty tomb. B, D

Day 11 – The Formal End to our Purposeful Journey
Saturday, July 12, 2025

The memories will indeed last a lifetime.  We hope your journey will continue with your new friends.  Our journey concludes with the departure of our flight home, or continues with an exciting journey to Egypt and Jordan, for those who choose that option.

Day 1 - Egypt and the Pyramids (PRE-JOURNEY extension)
Sunday, June 29, 2025

Fellow travelers traveling to Egypt for the pre-journey extension depart the United States for an overnight flight to Cairo.

Day 2 - Welcome to Cairo
Monday, June 30, 2025

Welcome to Cairo – We will be met at Cairo International Airport by an airport representative who will assist us through customs and arrival formalities.  We will then travel to our beautiful, five-star hotel with time to relax before dinner.  D

Day 2 - A Full Day of Spectacular Exploration
Tuesday, July 1, 2025

After a wonderful breakfast, we will meet our Egyptologist who will escort us on a full day of exploring the pyramids including the Great Pyramid of Cheops which is the largest of the three main pyramids and only surviving pyramid from the Seven Great Wonders of the Ancient World.  We will also visit the Pyramids of Chephren and Mycerinus as well as the Sphinx. Our spectacular day includes a visit to The Papyrus Institute where we will learn about paper making in the ancient world.  After shopping in the Papyrus Museum, perfume factory and jewelry shop, we will return to our hotel.  Our leisurely evening will include an option to attend the Sound and Light Show. B, L, D

Day 3 - A Fascinating Day of Ancient History
Wednesday July 2, 2025

Today we will visit the Egyptian Museum which is among the most spectacular in the world.  We will learn of the historic ancient world with an especially enjoyable to learn about King Tut and his masterpiece golden mask.  We will also visit the Citadel of Salah El Din and the Mohamed Ali Mosque.  We continue our fascinating day with an experience of Old Coptic Cairo with its concentration of Christian churches from a time when Egypt had a Christian majority.  Our leisurely evening will include a dinner cruise on the Nile, buffet and show.  B, L, D

Day 4 - The Journey to Israel Begins
Tuesday July 3, 2025

We will depart Cairo on our flight to Tel Aviv. We will meet the rest of our fellow travelers at the airport in Tel Aviv before traveling north to the Galilee region of Israel.

B = Breakfast included L = Lunch included D = Dinner included


The title for this purposeful journey, Journey of Faith, intends to signify significant meaning. Fellow travelers who embark on this journey are sure to return home enlivened, emboldened, and empowered in their faith to bear greater witness to the Gospel and bless others through their experience of walking where Jesus walked.

Following the tragic events of October 7, 2023, and subsequent war in Israel, there are travelers who have been either reluctant or altogether refuse to travel to Israel due to perceptions around safety and security. We began planning Journey of Faith at a time when the conflict in Israel was reaching a conclusion. By the time we embark on our journey, travel to Israel will be even more safe than it is right now and travel to Israel right now is very safe. Nevertheless, fellow travelers will be expressing their faith in embarking on a journey to Israel at a time when there are still some people reluctant to do so.

Whatever the perception, the reality is that travel to Israel is very safe. In fact, travel to Israel is much safer than traveling to many areas of the United States. Israel has developed systems and safeguards for travel and tourism professionals designed to allow all tour groups in Israel to focus on the purpose of their travel experience without fear or concern. Fellow travelers on a Journey of Faith, through their act of safely journeying to Israel, will be doing their part to deny the objectives of those who perpetrated terror out of Gaza.

Our Journey of Faith purposeful journey was created to provide multiple encounters with places sure to deepen your faith and enrich your life as we consider our perspective in light of a distant past and work of God in Christ in history that continues to form and shape who we are as Christians today.

Your beautiful, fascinating journey through Israel will lead you to places you have likely heard about, read about, and discussed with others as part of experiences in Sunday school or Bible study groups. While pictures, videos, and other media may give us a sense of significance of the many places you will see on your journey, being in the presence of sights central to the life, ministry, miracles, death, and resurrection of Jesus offers a unique potential to deepen your life in faith.

This purposeful journey will balance deeply spiritual, sometimes heady religious encounters with spectacular accommodations, excellent food as a window to middle eastern culture past and present, wine tasting, shopping experiences, culture, and history.

Our Philosophy

We hope you will measure the quality of your journey, not by the quantity of sights you see, but by the invaluable experiences you absorb.

Balance of stimulating experience, serious reflection
…and just plain fun.

One word describes our intention for your journey: balance. We believe each place we visit should relate to whole story, the arc of a narrative. We believe in creating journeys formed and shaped as narratives; journeys that are serious, purposeful, and fulfilling with time to reflect with fellow travelers or alone while providing opportunity for experiences that are just plain fun.

Expert interaction and rich personal encounters

Rather than a trip led by a tour guide trained to disseminate information from a script, we endeavor to seek experts to lead you on a journey who are available as a resource for as much depth as you desire or to leave you to your own reflection.

One beautiful base location

Too often, group travel can leave you feeling like you are part of a herd of a large group of strangers hustled from sight to sight, packing and unpacking everyday of your trip. With us you will stay in one beautiful base location that serves as a base for our excursions. Changing hotels as few times as possible during a journey allows greater opportunity to experience people and culture.

Meticulously planned; yet flexible journey

How does a trip become a journey? Carefully selected excursions that form a narrative, staying in one beautiful base location, with time and flexibility for reflection, and activities that are just plain fun.

Cuisine as a delectable complement to culture and conversation

Cuisine, and the wonderful dining experiences we share in an eclectic array of venues, provide a delectable complement to your rich encounters with the culture and the delightful conversation you enjoy with fellow travelers.


Below you will find the basic arrangements for your journey:

Flight Information

Purposeful Journeys will arrange a group flight departing from a major airport to be determined by the proximity of the group to that airport. While the specific price of the group flight cannot be determined until the flights are booked, based on current market conditions flights will likely cost around $1400.

Hotel Accommodations

We will change hotels only once after arriving in Tel Aviv. Arrangements have been made at the Hotel Magdala in the Galilee region. In Jerusalem, our cohort of fellow travelers will be staying at the spectacular Dan Panorama.


Most meals you are likely to desire are included in this purposeful journey. We believe that dining experiences offer a window into the local culture. Breakfast and Dinner is included each day with only a couple of noted exceptions in the itinerary. Meals provide time for us to relax, take in the culture, and discuss all that we have seen and experienced as fellow travelers that day. See the current, tentative itinerary for details.

Ground Transportation

Transfers to and from the arrival flight into and departing flight from Europe will be provided. Other ground transportation will be provided throughout the journey.

Sightseeing and Events

This purposeful journey includes several premium sight seeing opportunities and tours. As details emerge, specific information will be shared with fellow travelers.

Humanity and Hope Land Only Cost—$4,350
(Save up to $600 if you apply early)

Join us on an extension of this journey to Egypt – $1275

Current Incentives:
  • Save $300 with a special journey host discount code
  • Save $150 if you apply early
  • Save $150 if you choose to settle your balance prior to the due date of your first payment
Your journey includes:
  • Taxes and airline surcharges
  • Deluxe coach transportation throughout your itinerary
  • Double occupancy hotel room ($1,100 single supplement for Israel; $350 for Egypt)
  • Meals as specified in the final itinerary
  • Admission fees as specified in the final itinerary
  • Only goods, services, or activities as explicitly included in the General Terms and Conditions.
  • An offer for Cancel-for-Any-Reason (CFAR) travel insurance at about the cost of a Basic Travel Insurance policy
Your journey does not include:
  • Round trip airfare
  • Gratuities for service staff, coach driver(s) and guides
  • Alcoholic beverages, bottled water, after dinner drinks
  • Any goods, services, or activities expressly excluded in the General Terms and Conditions.
  • Cancel For Any Reason Travel Insurance
Remittance Schedule:
  • Once your application is approved, you will receive an invoice/statement that reflects your choice for settling your balance. Your first payment will be due approximately 60 days after your application has been approved.
  • If you choose to avail yourself of the Pay-in-Full discount, you must settle your balance in full before your first payment is due as reflected on your invoice/statement.
  • If you choose to make payments, your payments will be divided into monthly payments with a final payment due as specified on your invoice/statement.
  • Payments will become due as specified in your remittance schedule.
  • Final payment must be received no later than the date specified on your invoice/statement and remittance schedule.
When approved as a fellow traveler…

…you will receive an invoice and a remittance schedule from Malone Clan Expeditions, LLC doing business as Purposeful Journeys along with a link to a password protected page on our website that will offer details and updates about your journey.

General Terms and Conditions

Malone Clan Expeditions, LLC doing business as Purposeful Journeys will administer your journey. You must accept the General Terms and Conditions at the time you submit your application. Please refer to the General Terms and Conditions for any applicable additional fees that may apply in certain situations and circumstances such as any deviation from the group flight itinerary or your requirement of a single room.

We cordially invite you to apply to join us as a fellow traveler

Our journey application process has changed. We now offer Cancel-For-Any-Reason (CFAR) travel insurance for about the cost of Basic travel insurance. We no longer collect any deposit at the time you submit your application.

Your application now requires a decision on travel insurance. Your application will not be deemed complete until you have either declined to purchase NTA Travel Connect travel insurance or paid your travel insurance invoice. Once you complete your application form, you will receive a quote from Purposeful Journeys for CFAR travel insurance. Your quote will be about the cost of Basic Travel insurance, a large discount.   You will also receive a more detailed explanation about NTA Travel Protect travel insurance. By using this process Purposeful Journeys can guarantee that fellow travelers purchase their CFAR travel insurance policy within the 14-day window allotted for purchasing CFAR travel insurance. You may also decline your purchase of travel insurance.

We are delighted you are taking the step of submitting your application to become a member of a journey with us. We look forward to notifying you of your acceptance as a fellow traveler.

Ask a Question

You can contact us to ask a question here.

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Plan Your Journey

Learn about detail such as the weather, baggage rules, currency exchange rates and other details to help you plan your journey.

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Fellow Travelers

If you are a fellow traveler on this journey, find important relevant information here.

Fellow Travelers
Travel Insurance

We now offer a new travel insurance benefit. You can now purchase a Cancel-For-Any-Reason travel insurance policy for about the cost of a Basic travel insurance policy. Learn more by clicking the link(s) below:

Our New Travel Insurance Benefit

Learn More about NTA Travel Protect

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